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Practice Makes Perfect | ICF Core Competency 4

May 24 | 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

ICF Global has endorsed the full year CCE events for the Hong Kong Chapter, which will focus on the core competencies under the banner of ‘Practice Makes Perfect’.

Our upcoming session on May 24, 2023, will focus on Core Competency 4. As coaches, we understand the importance of continually improving our skills to better serve our clients.

This event will offer an excellent opportunity to do just that. Join us for an engaging and informative session on Core Competency 4, and take your coaching skills to the next level. See you there!

Topic: Core competencies 4: Cultivates Trust and Safety
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. HKT, May 24, 2023, Wednesday
Host: Angela Lee Arunanjali Maria
Format: Zoom meeting
Size: maximum 24 people, first come first serve
Flow: Interactive discussion, sharing of best practices, and brining to life through pairs/trios
Fees: Free of charge for ICF members
CCE: Attending this event in full will grant you 1.5 CCE for Core Competencies

Register link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYodOuoqzIvGNCJjRg3Go2I1TadJd4K2-S8

#icfcoach #ICFHK #ICFCorecompetency #trustandsafety#practicemakesperfect #registernow


Please note that ticket payment will be in Hong Kong Dollars. All payments are not refundable / transferable.

To cancel your reservation, please e-mail us at events@icfhk.org