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Member Connection Sessions 會員連接交流會

March 15 | 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

To better connect with you, we are planning to hold a series of online and face-to-face sessions for our members. As a start, we will host an online session in March. We look forward to seeing you there.

Attendees: ICFHK members
參加成員:ICFHK 的成員

Host: Lisa Sha, Arunanjali Maria, Ganesh Chidambaram, Shiela Cancino, ICFHK Board Members
主持:沙珍珠,Arunanjali Maria, Ganesh Chidambaram, Shiela Cancino, ICFHK 董事會成員

Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, English


– Check-in: What brought you to join ICF HK?
– 開篇:是什麼讓你加入ICF HK?

– Introduction: Each person to briefly introduce themselves (name, location, etc)
– 簡介:每個人簡要介紹自己(姓名、地點等)

– Discussion: What do you enjoy coaching most? What will be your next coaching milestones? What kind of supports you would need?
– 討論:你最喜歡教練的什麼?你的下一個教練里程碑是什麼?你需要什麼樣的支援?

– Q&A
– 問答

– Check-out: What did you learn from today’s session?
– 結束:你從今天的會議中學到了什麼?

Register here to join the Zoom meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsfuqorj8vH9QR5RWFJy05U58UKgMGD7zp
在此登記加入 Zoom 會議:https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsfuqorj8vH9QR5RWFJy05U58UKgMGD7zp


Please note that ticket payment will be in Hong Kong Dollars. All payments are not refundable / transferable.

To cancel your reservation, please e-mail us at events@icfhk.org

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