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ICF MCC Master Class series 3: My Journey to MCC

October 17 | 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

We are honoured to have Janna Song, ICF MCC, to share with us her journey to MCC.

Janna has more than 20 years of senior Human Resources professional in multi-national companies Leadership and EQ focused coach Coach for MBAs, certified trainer for SEI, 4 D Building Excellent Team, HOGAN, 7 Habits, Speed of Trust, InsideOut Coaching, Influencer, etc

🌐 Topic: ICF MCC Master Class series 3: My Journey to MCC
📅 Date & Time: October 17, 2023, Tuesday, 8:00-9:30 PM (HKT)
✨ Fees: free
✨ CCE: Attending this event in full qualifies you for 1.5 CCE credits for Resources Development
✨ Format: Zoom meeting

Join the session and learn more about:

  • What the journey of getting to MCC looks like?
  • How to develop a sustainable coaching career?

Register NOW💪🚀

ICF MCC大師班系列 3:我通往 MCC 的旅程

我們非常榮幸邀請到宋江泓,ICF MCC,與我們分享她通往 MCC 的旅程。

Janna 在跨國公司擔任高級人力資源專業人員已有 20 多年,專注於領導力和情商的教練,擔任 MBA 課程的教練,SEI 認證培訓師,4D 卓越團隊建設,HOGAN,7 個習慣,信任的速度,內外教練,影響者等認證培訓師。

ICF MCC 大師班系列 3:通往 MCC 的我的旅程

✨ 時間: 2023 年 10 月 17 日,星期二,晚上 8 點至 9:30
✨ 費用:免費
✨ CCE:全程參加此活動將使您獲得 1.5 個資源發展 CCE 學分
✨ 平臺:Zoom 會議


  • 通往 MCC 的旅程是什麼樣的?
  • 如何發展可持續的教練事業?

立即註冊 💪🚀


Please note that ticket payment will be in Hong Kong Dollars. All payments are not refundable / transferable.

To cancel your reservation, please e-mail us at events@icfhk.org

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