ICF HK Peer Coaching Program (HKPCP)

Power up your professional growth with this incredible opportunity of coaching your peers in a trusted and safe environment.

ICF Hong Kong is delighted to launch the ICF Hong Kong Peer Coaching Program (HKPCP) creating opportunities for our member coaches of all levels, looking to build their skills and earning paid coaching hours while powering up their professional growth.

In addition to investing your time in offering coaching and being coached, you will only need to pay a nominal coordination fee for the program, to match you with a ”coach” and ”coachee” and to monitor each peer-coaching relationship.


– Program is accessible to both ICF member and non-member coaches based in HK, China.
– Registration begins in September, for details note the timeline below.
– Peer coaching to run in trio formats.  Read more about the trio format below.
– This is a paid program. Please see and follow the payment link as given.
– Peer coaching as a coach is considered paid coaching by ICF and participants will be responsible for recording their individual log in the format provided by ICF HK.
– No late entries shall be accepted after the deadline.
Kick-off Meet for all participating coaches will be held on 22nd October, 12:30-1:30pm on zoom. Details shall be sent by Email and WhatsApp group to participating coaches.
Registration – September 1- 30, 2024
Peer coaching in trios – November 2024 – May 2025 (6 months)
Program Coordination Fees: 
ICF HK Member – HKD 100
Non-members, members of other ICF chapters – HKD 250
At this stage the program is only open to ICF HK members and non-members in HK and China.

TRIO groups format:

Coaches will be put into groups of three (trio). (The trio format offers flexibility for handling emergencies, addressing chemistry issues among members and also mirroring a real-world experience of having 6 sessions with the same coach or coachee).

This trio will be composed of participants with similar coaching hours, credentialing levels, language preference as received in the form. However this is not a given and shall be subject to the entries received. Please note that once a trio is formed we shall not be accepting any request for changes.

The trio decides amongst themselves who shall act as a coach, coachee for each other.

Each coach shall complete 6 sessions as coach and 6 sessions as coachee. Total 12 sessions for each coach both as a coach and coachee.

Eg. A,B,C are in the same trio.

A (coach) ➡️ B (coachee)- 6 sessions
B (coach) ➡️ C (coachee)- 6 sessions
C (coach) ➡️ A (coachee)- 6 sessions

Please agree to the contracting terms and conditions given below.

The aim of this initiative is to support coaches in their personal and professional growth, while make coaching more accessible, and strengthening the ICF HK coaching community in general.

Please fill the form to express your interest to join HKPCP 2024, if you agree to the points mentioned above. If any clarification is needed, pls contact our Board Ambassador Mitalee Sharma at coachmitalee87@gmail.com.

Thank you for your support,

Mehroo Turel & Shiela Cancino
Board Directors and Project Leaders for HKPCP

On behalf of the Board Directors of ICF Hong Kong

Registration Form

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