Join Icf
Join ICF Global
International Coach Federation (ICF) Members represent the highest quality of professional coaching. We are committed to helping you be the best coach you can be by connecting you with opportunities for network-building and continuous growth. Succeed in your coaching career by connecting with outstanding business development and professional growth opportunities, the local and global ICF coaching communities, and cutting-edge research.
To join ICF, go to

Join ICF Hong Kong
How do I join?
- Apply to be a member via the global website:
- Elect “ICF HONG KONG” as your local chapter.
- ICF Global will inform us of your membership and a Board Member will personally contact you to welcome you!
Join as a Friend of ICF Hong Kong
We appreciate that not everyone who is interested in coaching is working towards an ICF Credential or even professional coach training. We would welcome you to enjoy the benefits of networking, learning, outreach initiatives and more.
We currently offer the opportunity to become a friend of the ICF Hong Kong Charter Chapter in order to engage locally in events. Renewal is from 1 April to 31 March and anyone can join at any time. Complete the attached form to apply. Online applications will be available soon.
FRIEND of ICF Hong Kong can be anyone who is interested in coaching or learning about coaching and would like to tap into the local network of people and knowledge. Everyone is welcome!
The annual fee is HK$1,000 and is subject to approval by the ICF Hong Kong Board. Friends will receive complimentary attendance at up to four (4) regular local CCE events per year (typical fee $250-500 per event) and will receive regular local communications.